Monday, May 31, 2021

Who's the Host 2021


Shaye Koester (00:00):

Hey, Hey, it Shaye Koester and I'm your host for Casual Cattle Conversations. Now, normally I'd have a guest on the show, but today this is a little extra bonus episode because I just want to reintroduce myself to my new followers because thanks for following and I've had a lot of new ones lately, so that's exciting, but you guys need to get to know me. And second of all, I'm going to explain a little bit about how podcasts work. I've had a lot of questions about how do you monetize one? How do you start one? How exactly does it work? So we're going to briefly touch on that. And then we're just going to talk a little bit about the future of this podcast. So it should be a short episode. Uh, really just like I said, want to re-introduce myself and make you aware of what I'm doing and where I want this all to go.

Shaye Koester (00:47):

So, first of all, I'm Shaye, I come from a ranch in North Dakota and that is where my roots run deep. I absolutely love it. I am excited to go home soon. I say that because I am currently working on my undergraduate degree, I will be starting my senior year, this fall at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. So college-wise, I am majoring in animal science and I have two minors with that. One is Nebraska Beef Industry Scholars, and the other is called the Engler Entrepreneurship program, which was founded by Paul Engler who many of you probably know also founded Cactus Feeders. So with that schooling-wise, that's what I do. So, I am currently 21 and in college and that's where I'm at in life, but I also have this podcast. And so this stemmed out of my passions for ranching, communications, education and leadership.

Shaye Koester (01:53):

So that's how this all came together. It was a good outlet for me to tie all those together and besides that, you know, I love being outside, um, being horseback, I raise border Collie puppies. Um, so I like anything creative photography, videography, you know, painting, and drawing. A lot of those are things I dabble with, but thoroughly enjoy and believe that everyone should have something creative that they love to do. So with that, that's a little bit about me. And if you ever want to know more, just shoot me a message or email and whatnot. But with that, we're going to talk a little bit about the podcast and how podcasts work. So sometimes when you listen to a podcast episode, you're going to hear an advertisement and that's how I make money or sometimes, when you're on one of my live events, you're going to hear me thank my patrons. And that's another outlet of income for me with a podcast. I don't actually make money just by posting the podcast or by getting another download. I gain revenue through my advertisers on my shows or my patrons who are other listeners who in turn donate, you know, $2 a month. Some are gracious enough to donate more, but they just donate a small amount of money to me and in return they get merchandise, potentially a meeting with me and I'm actually working on creating a series of episodes that are exclusive just to patrons, where only they will have access to the full episode. So I really try to get, I'm really trying to give back there, but that is how podcast monetization kind of works for me. And, um, as far as a lot of people ask, how do you come up with topics and guests and all of that?

Shaye Koester (03:49):

Well, the reality is I could definitely fall into my target audience of who's listening to these podcasts. So I go a lot off of my own experiences as to what topics would be right. But a lot of my topics come from listening to my fans and. They send me a topic and I see if I can find someone to talk about it. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. I wish I could find someone for everyone and throw that on there. But right now, you know, we're still working on that, but that's really how I come up with topics. A lot of, um, my own experiences and asking others what they want to hear because I want to serve my listeners. Now I do all the reaching out to the interviewees, all the interviewing, recording, coming up with the questions. That's my favorite part is coming up with the questions.

Shaye Koester (04:42):

Um, and actually being in the interview. I do all the editing, all the social media. I create the transcripts too. Many of you may not be aware of that. But with every episode I create a written form of it because I know some people prefer to read and maybe someone, you know, if someone who is deaf and would not be able to listen to this podcast. So in those regards I have written forms of this podcast and those are all on my website, links are there and that website link will be available in the show notes of this episode as well. But so that's what I do podcast-wise. And really, as far as the future of this goes, I want to continue this podcast. Even once I graduate from college, I'd really like to grow the number of episodes, but I really want to build a community around it with all of you, what I would love is to have more of you active on my lives.

Shaye Koester (05:44):

So I post episodes every other Monday. Well, on the off Mondays of new episodes, I go live and in these live events, we might talk about something about podcasting. You know, I've done a, a fun one, like happy hour with the host, but the reality is most of the time we do episode recaps or we talk about advocacy or what types of calving pen styles work best for everyone and send in pictures and videos, or I receive pictures and videos from fans to send out. So I really like to have those interactive lives. And those are both on Facebook and Instagram for you all to really connect and be a part of and learn from each other because that's what this is all about. I want you all to make it feel like a community. I mean, yes, I have the podcast, but it's focused on rancher-to-rancher education.

Shaye Koester (06:35):

So there's no saying that on my Instagram posts or Facebook posts, you can't comment and start interacting with each other because that's what this is all about. It is really building that unity, engaging with and learning from one another, because I believe we all have different stories and experiences that we can all benefit from. So with that, those are some of the goals that I have with the podcast. I don't really have much more to share today. I just wanted to keep this a shorter episode, but I really wanted to make you guys aware of what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and how it all works and share who I am. And like I said, if you ever have any questions about myself, how podcasts work, how my social media works, um, where I'm going with the podcast, or if you have a topic or someone you'd love to hear from let me know.

Shaye Koester (07:30):

And I guess with that the links to becoming a patron or merchandise are all on my website, which is But with that, thanks for tuning in and we'll catch you on the next one.


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